
|           D A T A           |
ATTACHED_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (1) In relationship, seeking male

Age/Gender: 51F
Height: 5'2"

Not interested in a relationship at this time have been tied down by one person for a long time and I would like to explore all male options.  Teach me what you know and I will teach you what I like.   Show me all willing to try most anything have been chained down and this cat is on the prowl

I do not judge any man on how they appear it is how they present themself.  I need someone who will put all their attention and thoughts on me.  I want my name to be screamed out when we are together, and when we hit that climax toghether I would like to start all over again
Quikies at lunchtime
I am a petie women with a big appitite for sexual pleasure, I look younger than what I am, some men turn away thinking I am to young to play with

|        C H A T L O G        |
Robonk: Is something troubling you?
you:    Not interested in a relationship at this time have been tied down by one person for a long time and I would like to explore all male options.
Robonk: Tell me more about that.
you:    Teach me what you know and I will teach you what I like.
Robonk: Have you asked anyone else?
you:    Show me all willing to try most anything have been chained down and this cat is on the prowl
Robonk: Does talking about this bother you?
you:    I do not judge any man on how they appear it is how they present themself.
Robonk: You say you do not judge any man on how they appear it is how they present themself?
you:    I need someone who will put all their attention and thoughts on me.
Robonk: Why do you want someone who will put all their attention and thoughts on you?
you:    I want my name to be screamed out when we are together, and when we hit that climax toghether I would like to start all over again
Robonk: I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
you:    Quikies at lunchtime
Robonk: Please go on.
you:    I am a petie women with a big appitite for sexual pleasure, I look younger than what I am, some men turn away thinking I am to young to play with
Robonk: How long have you been a petie women with a big appitite for sexual pleasure?

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