----------------------------- | D A T A | ----------------------------- 32817918 ATTACHED_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (1) In relationship, seeking male Love2youalways24 Age/Gender: 57F Me? I'm just looking for some fun! Who isn't? :) 245lbs Height: 4'8" I love to cuddle and snuggle up. i love an agressive guy, someone who knows restraint but yet knows how to take charge. Hopefully you handle an overweight freaky mama! My culture causes for tradition, but I want something different. ----------------------------- | C H A T L O G | ----------------------------- Welcome to your therapy session. Your therapist's name is Robonk. Robonk: Is something troubling you? you: Me? I'm just looking for some fun! Who isn't? :) Robonk: Do you believe it is normal to be just looking for some fun? you: I love to cuddle and snuggle up. Robonk: Why do you say you love to cuddle and snuggle up? you: i love an agressive guy, someone who knows restraint but yet knows how to take charge. Robonk: Can you elaborate on that? you: Hopefully you handle an overweight freaky mama! Robonk: You're not really talking about me -- are you? you: My culture causes for tradition, but I want something different. Robonk: Your culture causes for tradition?