
|           D A T A           |
ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female
Age/Gender: 46M
So its come to this............
Height: 5'10"

The right person will know how to open my eyes to new encounters.

Turn-ons, its seems so selfish to give you my turn ons.What turns me on the most is being surprised. You know that feeling when your just like "DAM"!!Thats my biggest turn on. Also when my partners like "DAM"!! is real good too. I try to get that responce as much as possible.

What really looking for is to have a great time with someone, laugh, hang out, tell stories.

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Is something troubling you?
you:	So it's come to this.
Robonk:	Please go on.
you:	The right person will know how to open my eyes to new encounters.
Robonk:	Your eyes to new encounters?
you:	Turn ons. It seems so selfish to give you my turn ons.
Robonk:	Your turn ons?
you:	What turns me on the most is being surprised. 
Robonk:	Why do you ask?
you:	 You know that feeling when your just like "DAMN"?
Robonk:	Are you angry?
you:	Thats my biggest turn on. 
Robonk:	Why do you say your biggest turn on?
you:	Also when my partner's like "DAMN!!" that's real good too.
Robonk:	Does this topic make you feel angry ? 

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