
|           D A T A           |
ATTACHED_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (1) In relationship, seeking male
Age/Gender: 40F
Height: 5'6"

I want a BIG PACKAGE. If you have one email me and send me a pick. I want something big and something that it will hurt for once... I don't want a man scared to be on the wild side. I did bisexuals. To have a man inside me and be kissing another man turns me on so much it hurts. I'd love to hook up with two men willing to go the distance with me.

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Hello, I am a computer program. 
you:	I want a BIG PACKAGE.
Robonk:	Suppose you got a BIG PACKAGE soon.
you:	I want something big and something that it will hurt for once.
Robonk:	Suppose you got something big and something that it will hurt for once soon.
you:	I don't want a man scared to be on the wild side. I did bisexuals.
Robonk:	Does that trouble you?
you:	To have a man inside me and be kissing another man turns me on so much it hurts.
Robonk:	That is interesting. Please continue.
you:	I don't want a man scared to be on the wild side.
Robonk:	Do you wish to be able to want a man scared to be on the wild side?
you:	 I did bisexuals.
Robonk:	You say you did bisexuals?

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