
|           D A T A           |
ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female
Age/Gender: 62M
Height: 6'0"
searing fire of passion
electrifying flush of passion as lips and tongues and fingers softly touch, eyes lock, bodies melt into one another--face to face, chest to breast, lips to the back of your neck, deeply filling spreading wide...from the side, over the top, underneath, kneeling, lying, sitting, standing, from behind, pillow propped hips, lips on you, lips on me....sexual lightening, physical caring, between a man and a woman

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Is something troubling you?
you:	searing fire of passion
Robonk:	Does talking about this bother you?
you:	electrifying flush of passion as lips and tongues and fingers softly touch,
Robonk:	Please go on.
you:	eyes lock, bodies melt into one another
Robonk:	Tell me more about that.
you:	face to face, chest to breast, lips to the back of your neck,
Robonk:	Do you want my neck?

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