----------------------------- | D A T A | ----------------------------- 1737452 highwaydude ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female Age/Gender: 48M Best Massage leading to erotic sex 195lbs Height: 6'0" It all starts with just hanging out flirting getting those erotic juices flowing. Then I will give you a massage using erotic oils as you lay crosswise across the end of the bed. I will be rubbing your neck and shoulders, working my way down your spine each time building trust as I work my way around your sexy bottom. As I lean over your shoulders you can feel my hard man hood rubbing against your arm through my pajama pants. You Know you turn me on. I then walk around to your feet and start rubbing your legs from your ankles to your knees as I work my way up your inner thigh you start spreading your legs apart wanting me to tease your ever waiting pussy. You arch up wanting me to see it. I just brush by teasing ever so lighty touching as I return back down your legs. As I make my return trip up your legs for the second time you are really starting raise your hips up wanting me to see that your so horny and ready for me to explore and massage your sweet negelected pussy. This time I start rubbing the outter swollan lips applying oils getting it prepared for ******* Hook up with me and we will determine the erotic outcome....... ----------------------------- | C H A T L O G | ----------------------------- Welcome to your therapy session. Your therapist's name is Robonk. Robonk: Is something troubling you? you: I give the Best Massage leading to erotic sex. Robonk: You give the Best Massage leading to erotic sex? you: It all starts with just hanging out flirting getting those erotic juices flowing. Robonk: I'm not sure I understand you fully. you: Then I will give you a massage using erotic oils as you lay crosswise across the end of the bed. Robonk: Perhaps in your fantasies we will give me a massage using erotic oils as each other. you: I will be rubbing your neck and shoulders, working my way down your spine each time building trust as I work my way around your sexy bottom Robonk: Your way around my sexy bottom? you: As I lean over your shoulders you can feel my hard man hood rubbing against your arm through my pajama pants. Robonk: Why do you say your pajama pants? you: You Know you turn me on. Robonk: Why do you think I turn you? you: I then walk around to your feet and start rubbing your legs from your ankles to your knees as I work my way up your inner thigh you start spreading your legs apart wanting me to tease your ever waiting pussy. Robonk: Why do you say your way up my inner thigh me start spreading my legs apart wanting you to tease my ever waiting pussy? you: You arch up wanting me to see it. Robonk: You like to think I arch up wanting you -- don't you? you: I just brush by teasing ever so lighty touching as I return back down your legs. Robonk: What about your own legs? you: As I make my return trip up your legs for the second time you are really starting raise your hips up wanting me to see that your so horny and ready for me to explore and massage your sweet negelected pussy. Robonk: Is it important to you that your return trip up my legs for the second time me are really starting raise my hips up wanting you to see that my so horny and ready for you to explore and massage my sweet negelected pussy? you: This time I start rubbing the outter swollan lips applying oils getting it prepared for ******* Robonk: That's quite interesting. you: Hook up with me and we will determine the erotic outcome. Robonk: Let's discuss further why your way around my sexy bottom.