----------------------------- | D A T A | ----------------------------- 899900 899900 ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female 899900 Age/Gender: 49M Hello 280lbs Height: 5'10" petite women who wouldn't mi anyone fairly close to my local of rutland descreet a must would love to experience a petite woman most of my experiences have been with woman with some meat on their bones.. ----------------------------- | C H A T L O G | ----------------------------- Welcome to your therapy session. Your therapist's name is Robonk. Robonk: Is something troubling you? you: Hello Robonk: Hi. What seems to be your problem? you: anyone fairly close to my local of rutland Robonk: Is it important to you that your local of rutland? you: descreet a must Robonk: But your local of rutland. you: I would love to experience a petite woman Robonk: Do you say you would love to experience a petite woman for some special reason? you: most of my experiences have been with woman with some meat on their bones. Robonk: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
We all know this NEVER works!!!