
|           D A T A           |
FEMALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (6) Female seeking female

Age/Gender: 31F
Height: 5'8"

I'm a dirty FUCKING UGLY lil whore!!!! My b/f needs viagara but wont' admit it!!!! I need satisfaction baby!!!!! You like 'em easy and sleezy?? I'm your lesbo!!!! ; )

Someone to treat me like the whore I am; )

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Hello, I am a computer program.
you:	I'm A Fugly Ho
Robonk:	Do you know anyone else who is A Fugly Ho?
you:	I'm a dirty FUCKING UGLY lil whore!!!! 
Robonk:	How long have you been a dirty FUCKING UGLY lil whore?
you:	My boyfreind needs viagara but won't admit it!!!! 
Robonk:	Is it important to you that your boyfreind needs viagara?
you:	I need satisfaction baby!!!!! 
Robonk:	What would getting satisfaction baby mean to you?
you:	You like 'em easy and sleezy?? I'm your lesbo!!!! ; )
Robonk:	What are your feelings now?
you:	Someone to treat me like the whore I am; )
Robonk:	How long have you been?

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