
|           D A T A           |
ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female
Age/Gender: 32M
Magic Tonngue Looking for Side Work...
Height: 5'10"
Oral again, I'm a licker...
I've always been an easy to please guy, but lately i've been overly urging for new experiences and pleaseures. I'm open for just about anything...

There's nothing hotter than a sweet, soft woman with confidence, riding the line of cocky

I'm looking for what I might be missing, but I don't yet know what that is. A bit of classic passion is always on my list too though...

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	How do you do.  Please tell me your problem.
you:	My Magic Tonngue is Looking for Side Work...
Robonk:	Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
you:	I've always been an easy to please guy, but lately i've been overly urging for new experiences and pleaseures.
Robonk:	When?
you:	I'm open for just about anything...
Robonk:	Do you enjoy being open for just about anything?
you:	There's nothing hotter than a sweet, soft woman with confidence, riding the line of cocky
Robonk:	Earlier you said your Magic Tonngue is Looking for Side Work.
you:	I'm looking for what I might be missing, but I don't yet know what that is.
Robonk:	Is it because you are looking for what you might be missing that you came to me?
you:	A bit of classic passion is always on my list too though...
Robonk:	Is it important to you that your list too though?

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