----------------------------- | D A T A | ----------------------------- 1010414 CaptInfinity ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female Age/Gender: 58M Character must be proved and Trust Earned Weight: 170lbs Height: 5'6" Words Speak Volumes, but Actions Reveal Character. Please ponder the rare possibility of a romantic encounter that can be repeated and created a-new to experience, savor and enjoy again and again. A pallet of flavors, a kaleidoscope of sensual intoxicants is here to exacerbate your desires. Cum now, itâs what you want, need and crave. I am your private juicy little secret. Lady, the evening is young and our passion is boiling within to become a gumbo of pleasure together. Hi, I'm CaptInfinity and I'm going to fulfill your desires with passion. I enjoy bringing pleasures to a sexy woman. That is why I am here, and that is why Iâm writing to you. Like you, I feel that person to person touch and just plain fucking are essential to existence and I strive to be better at it with each and every encounter. I get my satisfaction from your pleasure. I will spend the time intentionally to discover you lover so to be sure that you will have a fully enjoyable time. To get to that level I understand the need for safety, communication, emotional connection, attraction, and chemistry. These are all necessary in being responsive and engaged, and in maximize both our ecstasy. I appreciate the trust building needed for us to get to know each other well enough to feel comfortable in deciding to meet. The sultry twinkle in your right eye was playfully inviting to me. I caught the glimmer as you casually turned your head as you mounted the stairs letting the light capture your radiance and unguarded smile. The invitation was clear and seductive as you scampered up the stair case with me in hot pursuit. Your hair bounced with each prance and as if in slow motion your surreal ritualistic dance of seduction had grabbed me as a hook to a trout. Unable to pull free, I was yet anxious to make a sport of it. Up the stair I flew in your wake, reaching... yet out of reach. Two steps and through the doorway as nimble as a bit of dust on the wind to the opposite side you flew, placing the California king-sized flat waveless-aquarium between us. A giggle and heavy breath escaped each through our lover's smiles as you played keep away from my embrace. Dodging first right, then left, stalemate was not an option. I had to possess you and you knew too that you would be possessed. The match progressed as do boxers in the first round size up their opponents sparing to test reflexes, and then the trap was set. I dashed around to the foot of the bed and your predictably sprang to the bed covers to dash across the giant sized playing surface for conquest and carnal dispatching. The bed rocked and water sloshed with your leap. Time stood still. I, instantly airborne having anticipated your move, intercept your pass with the finesse of an erudite receiver tucking you into my arms and rolling to bring you down on top of me. You gasp and twist to no avail. "Captured" say I. And, you look deeply into my eyes adoringly, kissing my lips softly with purposeful passion, smile saying, "I know, I planned it that way." ----------------------------- | C H A T L O G | ----------------------------- Welcome to your therapy session. Your therapist's name is Robonk. Robonk: How do you do. Please tell me your problem. human: Character must be proved and Trust Earned Robonk: I'm not sure I understand you fully. human: Words Speak Volumes, but Actions Reveal Character. Robonk: I'm not sure I understand you fully. human: Please ponder the rare possibility of a romantic encounter that can be repeated and created a-new to experience, savor and enjoy again and again. Robonk: Does talking about this bother you? human: A pallet of flavors, a kaleidoscope of sensual intoxicants is here to exacerbate your desires. Robonk: What makes you think of my desires? human: Cum now, it's what you want, need and crave. Robonk: Oh, I want? human: I am your private juicy little secret. Robonk: Do you believe it is normal to be my private juicy little secret? human: Lady, the evening is young and our passion is boiling within to become a gumbo of pleasure together. Robonk: Please go on. human: Hi, I'm CaptInfinity and I'm going to fulfill your desires with passion. Robonk: Do you know anyone else who is going to fulfill my desires with passion? human: I enjoy bringing pleasures to a sexy woman. Robonk: You say you enjoy bringing pleasures to a sexy woman? human: That is why I am here, and that is why I'm writing to you. Robonk: How long have you been here? human: Like you, I feel that person to person touch and just plain fucking are essential to existence and I strive to be better at it with each and every encounter. Robonk: You're not really talking about me -- are you? human: I get my satisfaction from your pleasure. Robonk: Why do you say your satisfaction from my pleasure? human: I will spend the time intentionally to discover you lover so to be sure that you will have a fully enjoyable time. Robonk: Perhaps in your fantasies we will spend the time intentionally to discover me lover so to be sure that each other. human: To get to that level I understand the need for safety, communication, emotional connection, attraction, and chemistry. Robonk: Why do you say To get to that level you understand the need for safety? human: These are all necessary in being responsive and engaged, and in maximize both our ecstasy. Robonk: Are they always all necessary in being responsive and engaged? human: I appreciate the trust building needed for us to get to know each other well enough to feel comfortable in deciding to meet. Robonk: Why do you say you appreciate the trust building needed for us to get to know each other well enough to feel comfortable in deciding to meet? human: The sultry twinkle in your right eye was playfully inviting to me. Robonk: But your satisfaction from my pleasure. human: I caught the glimmer as you casually turned your head as you mounted the stairs letting the light capture your radiance and unguarded smile. Robonk: You seem to need to caught the glimmer as me casually turned my head as me. human: The invitation was clear and seductive as you scampered up the stair case with me in hot pursuit. Robonk: Does talking about this bother you? human: Your hair bounced with each prance and as if in slow motion your surreal ritualistic dance of seduction had grabbed me as a hook to a trout. Robonk: Do you wish that in slow motion my surreal ritualistic dance of seduction had grabbed you as a hook to a trout? human: Unable to pull free, I was yet anxious to make a sport of it. Robonk: Perhaps I already know you were yet anxious to make a sport of it. human: Up the stair I flew in your wake, reaching... Robonk: You say Up the stair you flew in my wake? human: yet out of reach. Robonk: Please go on. human: Two steps and through the doorway as nimble as a bit of dust on the wind to the opposite side you flew, placing the California king-sized flat waveless-aquarium between us. Robonk: We were discussing you -- not me. human: A giggle and heavy breath escaped each through our lover's smiles as you played keep away from my embrace. Robonk: Why do you say your embrace? human: Dodging first right, then left, stalemate was not an option. Robonk: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your embrace? human: I had to possess you and you knew too that you would be possessed. Robonk: You seem to need to had to possess me and me knew too that me. human: The match progressed as do boxers in the first round size up their opponents sparing to test reflexes, and then the trap was set. Robonk: Tell me more about that. human: I dashed around to the foot of the bed and your predictably sprang to the bed covers to dash across the giant sized playing surface for conquest and carnal dispatching. Robonk: Can you elaborate on that? human: The bed rocked and water sloshed with your leap. Robonk: Are you worried about someone else's leap? human: Time stood still. Robonk: Tell me more about that. human: I, instantly airborne having anticipated your move, intercept your pass with the finesse of an erudite receiver tucking you into my arms and rolling to bring you down on top of me. Robonk: Your arms and rolling to bring me down on top of you? human: You gasp and twist to no avail. Robonk: Oh, I gasp and twist to no avail? human: "Captured" say I. Robonk: Do you say Captured" say you for some special reason? human: And, you look deeply into my eyes adoringly, kissing my lips softly with purposeful passion, smile saying, "I know, I planned it that way." Robonk: Why do you say your eyes adoringly?