| D A T A |
ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female
Age/Gender: 61M
a smart, funny guy wants to caress you in a bear hug of passion
Weight: 195lbs
Height: 5'10"
Sexy women turn me on.
What is sexy? Of course a pleasing face and physique are a good start but not the whole ball of wax.
There is also bearing and attitude, allure and playfulness.
Would you like to drive a man crazy? That turns me on.
Maybe I can figure out what turns you on? Maybe you will tell me?
Attraction is a primal thing, a gut reaction and for me, a healthy physique is a major part of it.
I exercise to keep a good muscle tone and very good aerobic capacity.
I am sturdy-rugged but not a body-building hunk or health nut.
I take care of myself and respect women who take care of themselves.
I believe that healthy is half of happy and also half of beautiful.
I am bald and wear a goatee.
Sorry if that turns you off but you may as well know up front.
I am what I am.
Maybe it turns you on?
Regarding specific sexual practices like they have listed above: who knows? It is not so much that I am looking for a specific kind of activity.
I am looking for whatever feels really good and right with a partner at the moment.
I am open to just about anything that does not cause physical or psychic pain.
I love sex and believe it is good for us or it would not feel so good.
So if you have something to suggest, I'll try it.
I'm active and athletic, with a few extra pounds (workin' on 'em). I'm smart, funny and work in a glamorous, and creative field. I do lots of rugged Alaska things but travel widely outside Alaska for business and my culture fix. I'm equally at home in Carhartts or a tux. I'm successful and recognized in my field, and getting pretty near to being financially independent. I don't waste money trying to impress people. However, I believe that when it comes to the important (and finer) things in life, you get what you pay for. Most importantly, my momma taught me to be a little gentleman who knows to respect women and to treat them well. I learned later that sometimes that also means shakin' their tree a little, if you know what I mean. You will always feel special and appreciated. I am disease free and clean. I drink an occasional beer or glass of (good) wine with dinner. Let's just say I've taken a toke or two in my life. I have an active imagination. My mind is pretty wild and I've got an irreverent sense of humor. I'm a lot of fun. As far as sexual preferences go: I like everything that causes no serious pain or danger. I'm a passionate lover and over-sexed. I'm an oral guy (not just as in talking) giving and getting. Full-contact, body-to-body, sex yeah!! I Discretion is vitally important, as I am married (unhappily) and must remain so for a while at least.
I'm looking for a woman who's got some wit and charm. Age is not as important as physical attractiveness and attitude.
For me "physical attractiveness" means a healthy, firm body and pleasant face. Larger breasts and a trimmer derriere, and legs are pluses (I'm such a brain-washed, American male!). I cannot get aroused by over-weight women. For me "attitude" means positive thinking, funny, provocative non-judgmental and over-sexed.
| C H A T L O G |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.
Robonk: How do you do. Please tell me your problem.
human: a smart, funny guy wants to caress you in a bear hug of passion
Robonk: What are your feelings now?
human: Sexy women turn me on.
Robonk: Please go on.
human: What is sexy?
Robonk: Have you asked anyone else?
human: Of course a pleasing face and physique are a good start but not the whole ball of wax.
Robonk: Possibly they are a good start.
human: There is also bearing and attitude, allure and playfulness.
Robonk: Does talking about this bother you?
human: Would you like to drive a man crazy?
Robonk: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
human: That turns me on.
Robonk: Please go on.
human: Maybe I can figure out what turns you on?
Robonk: What comes to mind when you ask that?
human: Maybe you will tell me?
Robonk: You like to think I will tell you -- don't you?
human: Attraction is a primal thing, a gut reaction and for me, a healthy physique is a major part of it.
Robonk: Tell me more about that.
human: I exercise to keep a good muscle tone and very good aerobic capacity.
Robonk: Do you say you exercise to keep a good muscle tone and very good aerobic capacity for some special reason?
human: I am sturdy-rugged but not a body-building hunk or health nut.
Robonk: Is it because you are sturdy-rugged that you came to me?
human: I take care of myself and respect women who take care of themselves.
Robonk: Have you asked such questions before?
human: I believe that healthy is half of happy and also half of beautiful.
Robonk: Why do you say you believe that healthy is half of happy and also half of beautiful?
human: I am bald and wear a goatee.
Robonk: How long have you been bald and wear a goatee?
human: Sorry if that turns you off but you may as well know up front.
Robonk: Do you wish that that turns me off?
human: I am what I am.
Robonk: Have you asked such questions before?
human: Maybe it turns you on?
Robonk: Oh, I on?
human: Regarding specific sexual practices like they have listed above: who knows?
Robonk: That is interesting. Please continue.
human: It is not so much that I am looking for a specific kind of activity.
Robonk: How long have you been looking for a specific kind of activity?
human: I am looking for whatever feels really good and right with a partner at the moment.
Robonk: How long have you been looking for whatever feels really good and right with a partner at the moment?
human: I am open to just about anything that does not cause physical or psychic pain.
Robonk: Is it because you are open to just about anything that does not cause physical or psychic pain that you came to me?
human: I love sex and believe it is good for us or it would not feel so good.
Robonk: You say you love sex and believe it is good for us or it would not feel so good?
human: So if you have something to suggest, I'll try it.
Robonk: What would you do if me have something to suggest?
human: I'm active and athletic, with a few extra pounds
Robonk: Do you enjoy being active and athletic?
human: I'm workin' on 'em.
Robonk: How long have you been workin' on 'em?
human: I'm smart, funny and work in a glamorous, and creative field.
Robonk: Do you believe it is normal to be smart?
human: I do lots of rugged Alaska things but travel widely outside Alaska for business and my culture fix.
Robonk: Why do you say your culture fix?
human: I'm equally at home in Carhartts or a tux.
Robonk: Do you believe it is normal to be equally at home in Carhartts or a tux?
human: I'm successful and recognized in my field, and getting pretty near to being financially independent.
Robonk: Your field?
human: I don't waste money trying to impress people.
Robonk: Why don't you waste money trying to impress people?
human: However, I believe that when it comes to the important (and finer) things in life, you get what you pay for.
Robonk: What do you think?
human: Most importantly, my momma taught me to be a little gentleman who knows to respect women and to treat them well.
Robonk: Your momma taught you to be a little gentleman who knows to respect women and to treat them well?
human: I learned later that sometimes that also means shakin' their tree a little, if you know what I mean.
Robonk: But what are the chances that me know what you mean?
human: You will always feel special and appreciated.
Robonk: When?
human: I am disease free and clean.
Robonk: How long have you been disease free and clean?
human: I drink an occasional beer or glass of (good) wine with dinner.
Robonk: That's quite interesting.
human: Let's just say I've taken a toke or two in my life.
Robonk: Why do you say your life?
human: I have an active imagination.
Robonk: You say you have an active imagination?
human: My mind is pretty wild and I've got an irreverent sense of humor.
Robonk: Is it important to you that your mind is pretty wild and you've got an irreverent sense of humor?
human: I'm a lot of fun.
Robonk: Do you know anyone else who is a lot of fun?
human: As far as sexual preferences go: I like everything that causes no serious pain or danger.
Robonk: Earlier you said your culture fix.
human: I'm a passionate lover and over-sexed.
Robonk: Do you believe it is normal to be a passionate lover and over-sexed?
human: I'm an oral guy (not just as in talking) giving and getting.
Robonk: Do you believe it is normal to be an oral guy (not just as in talking) giving and getting?
human: Full-contact, body-to-body, sex yeah!!
Robonk: Earlier you said your field.
human: I Discretion is vitally important, as I am married (unhappily) and must remain so for a while at least.
Robonk: You say you Discretion is vitally important?
human: I'm looking for a woman who's got some wit and charm.
Robonk: Are such questions much on your mind?
human: Age is not as important as physical attractiveness and attitude.
Robonk: Earlier you said your momma taught you to be a little gentleman who knows to respect women and to treat them well.
human: For me "physical attractiveness" means a healthy, firm body and pleasant face.
Robonk: Earlier you said your life.
human: Larger breasts and a trimmer derriere, and legs are pluses (I'm such a brain-washed, American male!).
Robonk: Did you think they might not be pluses (you are such a brain-washed?
human: I cannot get aroused by over-weight women.
Robonk: Do you really want to be able to get aroused by over-weight women?
human: For me "attitude" means positive thinking, funny, provocative non-judgmental and over-sexed.
Robonk: But your mind is pretty wild and you've got an irreverent sense of humor.