
|           D A T A           |
ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female

Age/Gender: 46M
Would you like to play a game?
Weight: 195lbs
Height: 5'10"
Just because I put some things on there doesn't mean I'm not willing to play outside of the box.
Au contraire, I'm a fan of all things.
But if you hit those marks, then you're gonna see even more sparks.
Are you into pegging?  I'm _very_ curious about it, and willing to bend over to please you.
Let's play and take some pictures of our dirty deeds so that we can get off on them (and with them) later.

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	How do you do.  Please tell me your problem.
human:	Would you like to play a game?
Robonk:	Please go on.
human:	Just because I put some things on there doesn't mean I'm not willing to play outside of the box.
Robonk:	Is that the real reason?
human:	Au contraire, I'm a fan of all things.
Robonk:	Do you know anyone else who is a fan of all things?
human:	But if you hit those marks, then you're gonna see even more sparks.
Robonk:	Do you wish that me hit those marks?
human:	Are you into pegging?
Robonk:	What if I were into pegging?
human:	I'm very curious about it, and willing to bend over to please you.
Robonk:	Do you know anyone else who is very curious about it?
human:	Let's play and take some pictures of our dirty deeds so that we can get off on them and with them later.
Robonk:	Does talking about this bother you?

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