The first 256 strips Robonk book and the two coloring books for adults

- The First 256 Strips (#00000-#000FF)
- Coloring Book for Adults!: #00000
- Coloring Book for Adults!: #00001
All are self-published under the Door Key Publishing name. “If it’s hilariously awkward, it’s Door Key.”
The First 256 Strips
As the title says, it’s the first 256 strips in the original style. Includes source info for the strips, plus the blog posts from that era are in the back of the book. I never thought I’d write a book, but come to think of it, artificial intelligence (AI) and online dating profiles wrote most of it, not me. There was a chunk of data migration and programming that created the book, with most of the pages completely (or partially) built in PHP using the TCPDF library.

Diagram from the book, showing how the strip pages and source pages work
The book features all of the original 256 strips plus the source, which is available at Robonk.com by clicking on “Source” under each comic strip.
Coloring Books for Adults!
This was an afterthought. Figured I could make coloring book versions of many of the strips. Wrote some software to convert the panel art into line drawings, then more software to convert the completed panels into pages. Had enough useful strips to make it two volumes. The coloring books are entirely made from strips from the second 256 set (#00100-#001FF) and were built into books by PHP/TCPDF. Each page features one strip (minus the title panel) plus the “Posted in” information from Robonk.com (WordPress) and a QR code with a link to the strip. The books not sent through USPS Media Mail come with red and blue crayons.
What’s next?
There will likely be a compilation book for the second 256 strips at some point, but I’m currently working on the new look and software for strips #00200-#002FF which will debut in early 2022.