
|           D A T A           |
ATTACHED_MALE_SEEKING_FEMALE (2) In relationship, seeking female

Age/Gender: 58M
Let's make out like teenagers!
Height: 6'2"
What a curious list!
I'm interested in a relationship, not a quick boink. Slow and easy is my preferred way to handle things. I enjoy the dance, the anticipation, the discovery and the sharing. Looking to make friends, trade e-mails and get to know someone first. I'm hoping to enrich my life (and perhaps someone else's).
I really like to kiss.
Are you kind? Are you smart? Do you still blow straw wrappers from time to time? If so, we'll get along just fine.

I'm looking for a smart woman with an active imagination. A pair of eyes with a vocabulary all their own.

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	How do you do.  Please tell me your problem.
you:	Let's make out like teenagers!
Robonk:	I'm not sure I understand you fully.
you:	I'm interested in a relationship, not a quick boink.
Robonk:	Do you know anyone else who is interested in a relationship?
you:	Slow and easy is my preferred way to handle things.
Robonk:	Is it important to you that your preferred way to handle things?
you:	I enjoy the dance, the anticipation, the discovery and the sharing. 
Robonk:	That's quite interesting.
you:	Looking to make friends, trade e-mails and get to know someone first.
Robonk:	Let's discuss further why your preferred way to handle things.

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