
|           D A T A           |
SINGLE_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (4) Single female, seeking male

Age/Gender: 52F
Between the Shadow and the Soul
Height: 5'6"
The soft animal of your body
You do not have to be good
You do not have to walk on on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves...Mary Oliver

Seeking an attractive, intelligent, articulate, well endowed, muscular romantic dominant male...
who seeks his compliment in a beautiful sensual erotic submissive woman-child.  I desire a man who seeks a fulfilling long term relationship with this woman and is willing to devote both the time and resources to sustain such a liaison over time...

Seeking attractive, articulate, educated, masculine, romantic, dominant male who seeks his compliment in a beautiful, erotic, and sensual woman-childe.

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Please tell me what's been bothering you. 
you:	Between the Shadow and the Soul
Robonk:	Tell me more about that.
you:	The soft animal of your body
Robonk:	Do you want my body?
you:	You do not have to be good
Robonk:	We were discussing you -- not me.
you:	You do not have to walk on on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting
Robonk:	What about your own knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting?

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