
|           D A T A           |
Booger Red
ATTACHED_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (1) In relationship, seeking male

Age/Gender: 54F
Married, but want more
Weight: 150lbs
Height: 5'10"

Really enjoy someone I can laugh and have a good time with.
I am not into porn seX:) I am not looking for someone who can sustain a 12 hour hard on.
Just a little fun!
Married, husband away for a year looking for someone to talk to possibly more!

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Is something troubling you?
human:	Married, but want more
Robonk:	Please go on.
human:	Really enjoy someone I can laugh and have a good time with.
Robonk:	That's quite interesting.
human:	I am not into porn sex. 
Robonk:	How long have you been not into porn sex?
human:	I am not looking for someone who can sustain a 12 hour hard on.
Robonk:	Is it because you are not looking for someone who can sustain a 12 hour hard on that you came to me?
human:	Just a little fun!
Robonk:	That is interesting. Please continue.
human:	I'm married, my husband is away for a year. 
Robonk:	Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
human:	I'm looking for someone to talk to possibly more!
Robonk:	How long have you been looking for someone to talk to possibly more?

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