
|           D A T A           |

ATTACHED_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (1) In relationship, seeking male

Age/Gender: 39F
Are you looking for beauty and brains?
Weight: 150lbs
Height: 5'6"
I am definately turned on by a man with a girthy penis.
Show me what you've got....
Looking for someone to have sensual chat with. Love a man who knows how to spoil a lady.

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Hello, I am a computer program.
human:	Are you looking for beauty and brains?
Robonk:	You're not really talking about me -- are you?
human:	I am definately turned on by a man with a girthy penis.
Robonk:	Do you believe it is normal to be definately turned on by a man with a girthy penis?
human:	Show me what you've got...
Robonk:	You're not really talking about me -- are you?
human:	I am Looking for someone to have sensual chat with.
Robonk:	Do you know anyone else who is Looking for someone to have sensual chat with?
human:	I Love a man who knows how to spoil a lady.
Robonk:	Can you elaborate on that?

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