
|           D A T A           |

SINGLE_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (4) Single female, seeking male

Age/Gender: 36F
Whats up?
Height: 5'8"

No relationship wanted. I'm looking for great sex and thats it. I'm looking for someone that will take the time and make sure I am satisfied. I'm disease free, but will not have unprotected sex. If condoms atent your thing then I'm not your girl.

|        C H A T L O G        |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.

Robonk:	Please tell me what's been bothering you.
you:	Whats up?
Robonk:	That is interesting. Please continue.
you:	No relationship wanted.
Robonk:	Are you saying no just to be negative?
you:	I'm looking for great sex and thats it.
Robonk:	Is it because you are looking for great sex and thats it that you came to me?
you:	I'm looking for someone that will take the time and make sure I am satisfied.
Robonk:	Do you know anyone else who is satisfied?
you:	I'm disease free, but will not have unprotected sex.
Robonk:	Do you enjoy being disease free?
you:	If condoms aren't your thing then I'm not your girl.
Robonk:	But what are the chances that condoms aren't my thing then you are not my girl?

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