----------------------------- | D A T A | ----------------------------- 25874825 SINGLE_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (4) Single female, seeking male iceblues Age/Gender: 23F actions speak louder than words 155lbs Height: 5'4" I'm awesome so I need someone who is as confident as me Ok here's the deal I'm very up front and honest if you want to talk to me effing talk to me don't pussy foot around and and wink at me and expect the female to make the first move be a man and have balls...I'm looking for a good time but not with little boys ----------------------------- | C H A T L O G | ----------------------------- Welcome to your therapy session. Your therapist's name is Robonk. Robonk: Is something troubling you? you: actions speak louder than words Robonk: I'm not sure I understand you fully. you: I'm awesome so I need someone who is as confident as me Robonk: What if you never got someone who is as confident as you? you: Ok here's the deal I'm very up front and honest if you want to talk to me effing talk to me don't pussy foot around and and wink at me and expect the female to make the first move be a man and have balls.. Robonk: What do you know about me want to talk to you effing talk to you don't pussy foot around and and wink at you and expect the female to make the first move be a man and have balls? you: I'm looking for a good time but not with little boys Robonk: Is it because you are looking for a good time that you came to me?