| D A T A |
SINGLE_FEMALE_SEEKING_MALE (4) Single female, seeking male
Age/Gender: 32F
Hobbits Make The Best Lovers
Weight: 125lbs
Height: 5'6"
I'm looking for a hobbit, 3'6" - 5'9", with dark hair and blue eyes. He must have a love for friends, good food, good ale, and a good smoke at the pub. Also, an interest in other cultures and a love of Elves and their language is very important. I'm also open to men, elves, and occasionally dwarves, as long as they have the sweet innocence and sensitivity of a hobbit. Please, no Uruk-Hai, goblins, or orcs. I am slightly wary of wizards, but I'd be willing to give it a try. I would describe myself as a hobbit trapped in a human's body. I've looked all over Middle Earth, and I'm hoping to find my Frodo here.
| C H A T L O G |
Welcome to your therapy session.
Your therapist's name is Robonk.
Robonk: Is something troubling you?
human: Hobbits Make The Best Lovers
Robonk: Please go on.
human: I'm looking for a hobbit, 3'6" - 5'9", with dark hair and blue eyes.
Robonk: Is it because you are looking for a hobbit that you came to me?
human: He must have a love for friends, good food, good ale, and a good smoke at the pub.
Robonk: Please go on.
human: Also, an interest in other cultures and a love of Elves and their language is very important.
Robonk: That is interesting. Please continue.
human: I'm also open to men, elves, and occasionally dwarves, as long as they have the sweet innocence and sensitivity of a hobbit.
Robonk: Do you enjoy being also open to men?
human: Please, no Uruk-Hai, goblins, or orcs.
Robonk: Why 'no'?
human: I am slightly wary of wizards, but I'd be willing to give it a try.
Robonk: Is it because you are slightly wary of wizards that you came to me?
human: I would describe myself as a hobbit trapped in a human's body.
Robonk: Do you say you would describe yourself as a hobbit trapped in a human's body for some special reason?
human: I've looked all over Middle Earth, and I'm hoping to find my Frodo here.
Robonk: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?